Artists and Their Books / Books and Their Artists

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  • Es Una Ola        Leandro Katz        Books        $50.00
  • Che / Loro        Leandro Katz        Books / Signed        $75.00
  • 27 Molinos : Alfabeto Basado En Los Gigantes Nombrados Por Cervantes        Leandro Katz        Books / Signed        $100.00
  • Dislocation and Relocation of Monuments [facsimile]        Leandro Katz        Books / Artists’ Books        $30.00
  • Fabulas Feminae        Susan Bee and Johanna Drucker        Books / Artists’ Books        $24.00
  • Daniel Buren / Sol LeWitt        Daniel Buren and Sol LeWitt        Books / Catalogs        $26.00
  • Crenshaw Stories        Buzz Spector        Books / Artists’ Books        $12.00
  • Volume III : Non-Adhesive Binding : Exposed Spine Sewings        Keith Smith        Books / Monographs        $30.00
  • Text in the Book Format        Keith Smith        Books / Monographs        $17.00
  • Sewn and Pasted Cloth or Leather Bookbinding for Book Artists Requiring No Special Tools or Equipment        Keith Smith        Books / Source Books        $30.00
  • Z Helix Rolling Papers         Tauba Auerbach        Ephemera        $5.00
  • Saccade 3        Tauba Auerbach        Books / Artists’ Books        $55.00
  • Saccade 2        Tauba Auerbach        Books / Artists’ Books        $55.00
  • ‘Drawn Inward (ere hypocrisies or poses are in, my hymn i erase. So prose I, sir, copy here.)‘, 2011        Colter Jacobsen with THE THING Quarterly        PM Fundraising Editions / Signed        $75.00
  • The Joy Inside You Dies Tonight [Air Freshener], 2013        Parra        PM Fundraising Editions / Multiples        $5.00
  • Matchbox Galaxies        Virginia DuQuette        Books / Artists’ Books        $25.00
  • Rock Breaks Scissors        Peter H. Barnett        Editions / Signed        $40.00
  • India Special        Misaki Kawai        Books / Artists’ Books        $30.00
  • Tarucho Zine        Misaki Kawai        Books / Zines        $25.00
  • Vulnerability        Athena Tacha        Books / Artists’ Books        $10.00
  • Brains & Spines        Jessie Nebraska Gifford         / Signed        $45.00
  • Equation earBook                Apparel / Artists’ Books        $25.00
  • Mallarmé, The Book        Klaus Scherübel        Books / Artists’ Books        $35.00
  • Box of Books, Vol. X        Darin Klein        Books / Artists’ Books        $50.00
  • Blue Icons (Day Edition)        Dan Walsh        Books / Artists’ Books        $50.00
  • In Mexico        Helen Douglas        Books / Artists’ Books        $50.00
  • Pansy Beat Box Set        Michael Economy        Books / Zines        $75.00
  • To Get There / PARA CHEGAR LÁ        Kátia Fiera        Books / Artists’ Books        $25.00
  • Boundless        David Stairs        Books / Small Books        $15.00
  • Lost and Found in the Garden of Wild Birds and Grasses        Joyce Cutler Shaw        Books        $50.00
  • Six by Six by Sex        Richard Tipping, Esther K. Smith and Dikko Faust        Books / Signed        $66.00
  • earBook Bookshelf        Dikko Faust        Books / Artists’ Books        $60.00
  • Persistent Huts        Derek Sullivan        Books / Artists’ Books        $15.00
  • And Yet My Mask is Powerful        Basel Abbas and Ruanne Abou-Rahme        Books / Artists’ Books        $18.00
  • Name, Thing, Thing: A Primer in Parallel Typographies        Gerardo Madera        Books / Artists’ Books        $15.00
  • Galactic Narrowboat        Otto Dettmer        Books / Artists’ Books        $16.00
  • Micro Voyage        Otto Dettmer        Books / Artists’ Books        $18.00
  • Folding Space Ship        Otto Dettmer        Books / Artists’ Books        $16.00
  • Photoshop for Screen Printing        Otto Dettmer        Books / Artists’ Books        $29.00
  • Screen Printing Manual        Otto Dettmer        Books / Artists’ Books        $29.00
  • Multichannel for Screen Printing        Otto Dettmer        Books / Artists’ Books        $29.00
  • Image Making for Screen Printing        Otto Dettmer        Books / Artists’ Books        $29.00
  • It Needed to be Tender and to be Whipped        Julie Béna        Books / Artists’ Books        $30.00
  • Insects & Grasses        Helen Douglas        Books / Artists’ Books        $15.00
  • Illiers Combray [Second Edition]        Helen Douglas and Zoe Irvine        Books / Signed        $48.00
  • Book Book / 书书 [Third Edition, English Version]        Yuchen Chang and Myungah Hyon        Books / Artists’ Books        $28.00
  • Light Blue Desire        Magali Duzant        Books / Artists’ Writings        $25.00
  • Absence        Jeannie Meejin Yoon        Books        $30.00
  • The Casual Observer : An Armchair Guide to the Dark Room Log, Vol. 1        Lisa Anne Auerbach        Books / Monographs        $35.00
  • Budget Decadence        Christopher Russell        Books        $18.00
  • William Wegman : $19.84        William Wegman        Books / Catalogs        $60.00
  • Libro Quemado : Burnt Book        Leandro Katz        Books / Artists’ Books        $40.00
  • Against the Grain        Christopher Russell        Books / Catalogs        $25.00
  • S(h)elf Portrait        Leandro Katz        Books        $60.00
  • Theater of Love        Nobuyoshi Araki        Books / Artists’ Books        $75.00
  • Blue Period / Last Summer [US Edition Cover]        Nobuyoshi Araki        Books / Artists’ Books        $65.00
  • Bedwetter        Christopher Russell        Periodicals / Zines        $10.00
  • Isolation Party        Stéphane Mallarmé        Books / Artists’ Books        $19.00
  • Brise Marine        Stéphane Mallarmé        Books / Artists’ Writings        $7.00
  • Techstos y Photos        Leandro Katz        Books / Catalogs        $30.00
  • Charted Patterns for Sweaters That Talk Back        Lisa Anne Auerbach        Books        $30.00
  • The Red Thread        Cecilia Vicuña        Books / Monographs        $27.00
  • Urnas : Metal        Leandro Katz, Ricardo Blanco, Florencio Malatesta and Luis Levin        Books / Artists’ Books        $45.00
  • Historia Natural / Natural History        Leandro Katz        Books        $30.00
  • My Night Sagas        Athena Tacha        Books / Small Books        $10.00
  • My Fears        Athena Tacha        Books / Artists’ Books        $10.00
  • Blue Period / Last Summer [Japanese Edition Cover]        Nobuyoshi Araki        Books / Artists’ Books        $65.00
  • Unicycle Shop        Lisa Anne Auerbach        Books        $55.00
  • New Reaction        Darin Klein and Christopher Russell        Books        $6.00
  • Runaway        Christopher Russell        Books / Catalogs        $50.00
  • Performance Audio (1969-1988)        Barbara T. Smith        Audio & Video / Vinyl        $50.00
  • Toward Beau Doll [Metallic Gold]        S.B. Whicker        Editions / Multiples        $18.00
  • Printed Smatterings        Cary Leibowitz        Editions / Multiples        $14.00
  • I Got Mugged        Cary Leibowitz        Editions / Multiples        $20.00
  1. Nobuyoshi Araki
    Theater of Love
    Tokyo, Japan: CASE Publishing, 2017
    Out of stock
  2. Nobuyoshi Araki
    Blue Period / Last Summer [Japanese Edition Cover]
    New York, NY: Dashwood Books and Session Press, 2017
    Out of stock
  3. Nobuyoshi Araki
    Blue Period / Last Summer [US Edition Cover]
    New York, NY: Dashwood Books and Session Press, 2017
    Out of stock
  4. Barbara T. Smith
    Performance Audio (1969-1988)
    Sun Valley, CA: Small World, 2013
    Out of stock
  5. Lisa Anne Auerbach
    Unicycle Shop
    Paris, France: Onestar Press, 2007
  6. Lisa Anne Auerbach
    The Casual Observer : An Armchair Guide to the Dark Room Log, Vol. 1
    L.A. Auerbach, 2016
    Out of stock
  7. Lisa Anne Auerbach
    Charted Patterns for Sweaters That Talk Back
    New York, NY: Inc. and Printed Matter Inc., 2008
    Out of stock
  8. Christopher Russell
    Los Angeles, CA: Bedwetter Books, 2004
  9. Darin Klein and Christopher Russell
    New Reaction
    Los Angeles, CA: Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, 2006
  10. Christopher Russell
    Los Angeles, CA: Luis de Jesus, 2010
  11. Christopher Russell
    Budget Decadence
    Los Angeles, CA: 2nd Cannons Publications, 2009
  12. Christopher Russell
    Against the Grain
    Los Angeles, CA: Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, 2008
  13. Stéphane Mallarmé
    Isolation Party
    New York, NY: HEINZFELLER NILEISIST and Ancient Remains, 2016
    Out of stock
  14. Stéphane Mallarmé
    Brise Marine
    Out of stock
  15. William Wegman
    William Wegman : $19.84
    Buffalo, NY: C.E.P.A., 1984
    Out of stock
  16. Cecilia Vicuña
    The Red Thread
    Berlin, Germany: Sternberg Press, 2017
    Out of stock
  17. Leandro Katz, Ricardo Blanco, Florencio Malatesta and Luis Levin
    Urnas : Metal
    [S.l.]: L. Katz, 198--*
    Out of stock
  18. Leandro Katz
    Techstos y Photos
    Buenos Aires, Argentina: Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires, 2003
  19. Leandro Katz
    S(h)elf Portrait
    Buenos Aires, Argentina: Viper's Tongue Books, 2008
  20. Leandro Katz
    Libro Quemado : Burnt Book
    Atlanta, GA: Nexus Press, 1995
    size unknown
  21. Leandro Katz
    Historia Natural / Natural History
    Buenos Aires, Argentina: Viper's Tongue Books, 2010
  22. Leandro Katz
    Es Una Ola
    Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editorial SudAmericana Sociedad Anónima, 1968
  23. Leandro Katz
    Che / Loro
    New York, NY: L. Katz, 1997
  24. Leandro Katz
    27 Molinos : Alfabeto Basado En Los Gigantes Nombrados Por Cervantes
    New York, NY: La Lengua Viperina, 1986
  25. Leandro Katz
    Dislocation and Relocation of Monuments [facsimile]
    New York, NY: The Vanishing Rotating Triangle
    Out of stock
  26. Susan Bee and Johanna Drucker
    Fabulas Feminae
    Brooklyn, NY: Litmus Press, 2015
    Out of stock
  27. Daniel Buren and Sol LeWitt
    Daniel Buren / Sol LeWitt
    Grenoble, France: Magasin and Centre National D'Art Contemporain, 1987
    size unknown
    Out of stock
  28. Buzz Spector
    Crenshaw Stories
    Los Angeles, CA: B. Spector and MTA, 1998
  29. Keith Smith
    Volume III : Non-Adhesive Binding : Exposed Spine Sewings
    Rochester, NY: Keith Smith Books, 1995
    size unknown
    Out of stock
  30. Keith Smith
    Text in the Book Format
    Rochester, NY: Keith Smith Books, 2004
    Out of stock
  31. Tauba Auerbach
    Z Helix Rolling Papers
    New York, NY: Diagonal Press, 2015
    Out of stock
  32. Tauba Auerbach
    Saccade 3
    Diagonal Press, 2013
    Out of stock
  33. Tauba Auerbach
    Saccade 2
    New York, NY: Diagonal Press, 2013
    Out of stock
  34. Colter Jacobsen with THE THING Quarterly
    ‘Drawn Inward (ere hypocrisies or poses are in, my hymn i erase. So prose I, sir, copy here.)‘, 2011
    New York, NY: Printed Matter Inc. and The Thing Quarterly, 2011
  35. Parra
    The Joy Inside You Dies Tonight [Air Freshener], 2013
    New York, NY: Printed Matter Inc., 2013
  36. Virginia DuQuette
    Matchbox Galaxies
    Brooklyn, NY: V. DuQuette, 1999
    Out of stock
  37. Peter H. Barnett
    Rock Breaks Scissors
    New York: P. Barnett, 2012
  38. Misaki Kawai
    India Special
    New York, NY: Misaki Kawai, 2014
    Out of stock
  39. Misaki Kawai
    Tarucho Zine
    New York, NY: Misaki Kawai, 2014
    Out of stock
  40. Athena Tacha
    Oberlin, United States: Athena Tacha, 1993
    size unknown
  41. Athena Tacha
    My Night Sagas
    Washington D.C., United States: Athena Tacha, 2014
  42. Athena Tacha
    My Fears
    Oberlin, United States: Athena Tacha, 1979 - 80
  43. Jessie Nebraska Gifford
    Brains & Spines
    New York, NY: Purgatory Pie Press, 2006
    Out of stock

  44. Equation earBook
    New York, NY: Purgatory Pie Press
    Out of stock
  45. Klaus Scherübel
    Mallarmé, The Book
    New York, NY: Inc. and Printed Matter Inc., 2004
    Out of stock
  46. Darin Klein
    Box of Books, Vol. X
    Los Angeles/New York, CA/NY: Bullhorn Press and Printed Matter Inc., 2017
    Out of stock
  47. Dan Walsh
    Blue Icons (Day Edition)
    New York, NY: Printed Matter Inc., 2016
    Out of stock
  48. Helen Douglas
    In Mexico
    Yarrow, Scotland: Weproductions, 2014
    Out of stock
  49. Michael Economy
    Pansy Beat Box Set
    New York, NY: M. Economy, 2017
    Out of stock
  50. Kátia Fiera
    To Get There / PARA CHEGAR LÁ
    Barcelona, Spain: Kiitschic Ediciones, 2012
    Out of stock
  51. David Stairs
    San Francisco, CA: D. Stairs, 1983 & 1990
    size unknown
  52. Joyce Cutler Shaw
    Lost and Found in the Garden of Wild Birds and Grasses
    San Diego, CA: Joyce Cutler-Shaw, 2001
    Out of stock
  53. Richard Tipping, Esther K. Smith and Dikko Faust
    Six by Six by Sex
    New York, NY: Purgatory Pie Press
  54. Dikko Faust
    earBook Bookshelf
    New York, NY: Purgatory Pie Press
    Out of stock
  55. Derek Sullivan
    Persistent Huts
    New York, NY: Inc. and Printed Matter Inc., 2008
  56. Basel Abbas and Ruanne Abou-Rahme
    And Yet My Mask is Powerful
    New York, NY: Printed Matter Inc., 2017
  57. Gerardo Madera
    Name, Thing, Thing: A Primer in Parallel Typographies
    New York, NY: Printed Matter Inc., 2018
  58. Otto Dettmer
    Galactic Narrowboat
    Bath, UK: ottoGraphic, 2017
    Out of stock
  59. Otto Dettmer
    Micro Voyage
    Bath, UK: ottoGraphic, 2018
    Out of stock
  60. Otto Dettmer
    Folding Space Ship
    Bath, UK: ottoGraphic, 2017
    Out of stock
  61. Otto Dettmer
    Photoshop for Screen Printing
    Bath, UK: ottoGraphic, 2017
    Out of stock
  62. Otto Dettmer
    Screen Printing Manual
    Bath, UK: ottoGraphic, 2018
    Out of stock
  63. Otto Dettmer
    Multichannel for Screen Printing
    Bath, UK: ottoGraphic, 2017
    Out of stock
  64. Otto Dettmer
    Image Making for Screen Printing
    Bath, UK: ottoGraphic, 2017
    Out of stock
  65. Julie Béna
    It Needed to be Tender and to be Whipped
    London, UK: Montez Press, 2017
    Out of stock
  66. Helen Douglas
    Insects & Grasses
    New York, NY: Printed Matter Inc., 2018
    Out of stock
  67. Helen Douglas and Zoe Irvine
    Illiers Combray [Second Edition]
    Yarrow, Scotland: Aeolus and Weproductions, 2004
  68. Yuchen Chang and Myungah Hyon
    Book Book / 书书 [Third Edition, English Version]
    Beijing, China: DREAMER FTY, 2017, 2019
    Out of stock
  69. Magali Duzant
    Light Blue Desire
    NJ: Conveyor Arts, 2018
  70. Jeannie Meejin Yoon
    New York, NY: Printed Matter Inc., Whitney Museum of American Art and Inc., 2003
    Out of stock
  71. S.B. Whicker
    Toward Beau Doll [Metallic Gold]
    New York, NY: S.B. Whicker, 2017
    Out of stock
  72. Cary Leibowitz
    Printed Smatterings
    New York, NY: C. Leibowitz, 2008
  73. Cary Leibowitz
    I Got Mugged
    New York, NY: C. Leibowitz, 2008
Last updated 5/30/2018