231 11th Ave, NYC
38 St Marks Pl, NYC
Sun Ra
Sun Ra: Interview with Charlie Morrow
Audio & Video
Richard Hamilton and Dieter Roth
“Collaborations” Readings
Aki Onda
Nam June’s Spirit Was Speaking To Me
Niño Lento es Fuego
Ahora Contra El Resto De Los Tiempos
Cumbias Lentas
Chromacolor, Mads Emil Nielsen and Karel Martens
Universal Eyes
Four Variations On Artificial Society
Ethan Daniel Davidson
Come Down Lonesome
Fan Wu
touch The Ten Thousand Things without dependency
oVer Magazine / VER Magazine
Issue 1: The Squid Edition
Mateo Arciniegas
Salsa de Alcoba
Jorge Panchoaga
Dulce y Salada [Niebla Record]
Fumio Tachibana and Hidehisa Tachibana
Kyutai 9 Opportunities (球体 9 機会)
Jimmy Robert
Call and Response
Sarah Elawad and Nathan Ross Davis
Dylan Sherwood McConnell and Michael D. Long
Error Trove
Danilo Correale
Jesse Gelaznik
Falling EP
General Idea
Test Tube [VHS]
Franziska Koch
3 Renotations of 1 Act of Cleaning a Piano
White People Killed Them
John Peffer
Notes on Cuts [LP]
Antoine Hubineau
Dissolvè / Scillions
Terrain Vague
Marcia Bassett and Sergej Vutuc
Covering The Surface
Andrew Zealley and House of Intergenerational
New Variant
METHodology EP
METHodology LP
Lorenzo Mason Studio
Singing Enzo Mari The Function of Esthetic Research