Children & Parenting
Almost White, Colors of Milk
Irini Athanassakis
$26.00 -
Queer Nursing [Fifth Edition]
Liesel Burisch
$15.00 -
Mom Updates
Bruce George Wingate
Books / Zines
$6.00 -
63 Objects Taken From My Son’s Mouth [Third Edition]
Lenka Clayton
Books / Artists’ Books
$35.00 -
Madre de nadie (o por qué siempre he sido madre)
Miau Ediciones
Books / Zines
$12.00 -
Mothers Who Murdered their Children/Children Who Murdered their Mothers
Alexandra Montclair
Books / Zines
$20.00 -
Lisa Kereszi, Ottilie Leete and Benjamin Donaldson
Books / Artists’ Books
$65.00 -
Morning Song
Sarah Pabst
Books / Artists’ Books
$45.00 -
كيف تلتئم: عن الأمومة وأشباحها (How to Mend: Motherhood and Its Ghosts) [Arabic]
Iman Mersal
Books / Artists’ Books
$10.00 -
Mom’s Magnets
Sunny Leerasanthanah
Books / Zines
$18.00 -
Event Scores 2
$24.00 -
The One Thing That Made Us Beautiful
Sam Falls
Books / Zines
$34.00 -
#2 Fábula encinta / Pregnant Fable
Alan Sierra
Books / Zines
$10.00 -
Juggling is Easy
Books / Monographs
$40.00 -
My Birth [First Edition, Second Printing]
Carmen Winant
Books / Artists’ Books
$50.00 -
Bending Mermaid/Naked Mom
Jan Johnson and Yuki Nagashima
Books / Zines
$5.00 -
Cuanto Viven Las Casas / How Long Do Houses Live?
Daniela Unger
Books / Artists’ Books
$65.00 -
The Last Safe Abortion
Carmen Winant
Books / Artists’ Books
$50.00 -
Om (Mother)
Barbara Debeuckelaere
Books / Monographs
Recently-added books about birth, Palestinian motherhood, queer nursing, abortion, breastmilk, embroidery, murder, male pregnancy, miscarriage, magnets, performance scores, family, choosing not to mother, and more.
Children & Parenting
Lenka Clayton
63 Objects Taken From My Son’s Mouth [Third Edition]
Pittsburgh, PA: Lenka Clayton, 2023
$35.00 -
Miau Ediciones
Madre de nadie (o por qué siempre he sido madre)
Mexico City, Mexico: miau ediciones, 2024
$12.00 -
Alexandra Montclair
Mothers Who Murdered their Children/Children Who Murdered their Mothers
New York, united states: Harpy House Press, 2023
$20.00 -
Lisa Kereszi, Ottilie Leete and Benjamin Donaldson
New York, NY, United States: ROMAN NVMERALS, 2023
$65.00 -
Iman Mersal
كيف تلتئم: عن الأمومة وأشباحها (How to Mend: Motherhood and Its Ghosts) [Arabic]
Cairo / Berlin, Egypt / Germany: Kayfa ta and Sternberg Press, 2018
$10.00 -
Sam Falls
The One Thing That Made Us Beautiful
Tokyo, Japan: Artbeat Publishers and G/P, 2024
$34.00 -
Carmen Winant
My Birth [First Edition, Second Printing]
New York, NY, United States: SPBH Editions, 2024
$50.00 -
Jan Johnson and Yuki Nagashima
Bending Mermaid/Naked Mom
Worcester, MA: Yuki Nagashima and Jan Johnson, 2024
$5.00 -
Daniela Unger
Cuanto Viven Las Casas / How Long Do Houses Live?
Mexico City, Mexico: Inframundo