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  • Responses to Pale Blue Dot (1990) by Voyager 1        various        Books / Artists’ Writings        $17.00
  • Projection on the Crisis        Philipp Gufler        Books / Monographs        $18.00
  • DUETS: Dean Daderko & Elaine Reichek In Conversation on Nicolas Moufarrege        Visual AIDS        Books / Monographs        $10.00
  • FACE - The Tenderloin Aids Resource Centre        Katherine Lambert and Mark Kessler        Books / Signed        $80.00
  • Seize Control of the FDA ACT UP Typeset        Be Oakley        Books / Zines        $12.00
  • Stone’s Throw        David Deitcher        Books / Monographs        $28.00
  • Men I’ve Loved in the 21st Century        Michael Wynne        Books / Artists’ Books        $50.00
  • Public Art Issues : Public Art and AIDS        Public Art Issues, Robert Knafo, James M. Clark, Jan Zita Grover, General Idea, Nancy Princenthal, Edward Ball, Tom Kalin, Lois Nesbitt and Peter McKnight Bowen        Books        $10.00
  • Bilderschock: Politische Kunst Heute         ACT UP and Lutz Heiber        Books        $30.00
  • The Peter File        Peter Cramer        Books / Artists’ Books        $20.00
  • Patina du Prey’s Memorial Dress        Hunter Reynolds        Books / Artists’ Books        $45.00
  • Hazardous Waste        Louise Odes Neaderland        Books / Small Books        $20.00
  • Responses to Love’s Work (1995) by Gillian Rose                Books / Artists’ Writings        $17.00
  • Responses to Untitled (eye with comet) (c.1985) by Paul Thek                Books / Artists’ Books        $20.00
  • Unfortunate Male        John Hanning        Books / Artists’ Books        $25.00
  • Gifts from David McDiarmid        Dan Rule and Sally Gray        Books / Artists’ Books        $47.00
  1. various
    Responses to Pale Blue Dot (1990) by Voyager 1
    London, United Kingdom: Pilot Press, 2022
  2. Philipp Gufler
    Projection on the Crisis
    Munich, Germany: Hammann von Mier Verlag, 2021
    Out of stock
  3. Visual AIDS
    DUETS: Dean Daderko & Elaine Reichek In Conversation on Nicolas Moufarrege
    New York, NY: Visual Aids
    Out of stock
  4. Katherine Lambert and Mark Kessler
    FACE - The Tenderloin Aids Resource Centre
    San Francisco, CA: FACE, 1991
  5. Be Oakley
    Seize Control of the FDA ACT UP Typeset
    Brooklyn, NY: GenderFail Press, 2022
  6. David Deitcher
    Stone’s Throw
    New York, NY: Secretary Press, 2015
    Out of stock
  7. Michael Wynne
    Men I’ve Loved in the 21st Century
    London, UK: Kiss and Tell Press, 2016
    Out of stock
  8. Public Art Issues, Robert Knafo, James M. Clark, Jan Zita Grover, General Idea, Nancy Princenthal, Edward Ball, Tom Kalin, Lois Nesbitt and Peter McKnight Bowen
    Public Art Issues : Public Art and AIDS
    New York, NY: The Public Art Fund, 1992
    size unknown
    Out of stock
  9. ACT UP and Lutz Heiber
    Bilderschock: Politische Kunst Heute
    Hannover, Germany: Bürgerinitiative Raschplatz, 1990
    Out of stock
  10. Peter Cramer
    The Peter File
    New York, NY: Peter Cramer, 2018
  11. Hunter Reynolds
    Patina du Prey’s Memorial Dress
    Berlin, Germany: Künstlerhaus Bethanien, 1996
  12. Louise Odes Neaderland
    Hazardous Waste
    Accord ; Brooklyn, NY: Bone Hollow Arts, 1996
    size unknown

  13. Responses to Love’s Work (1995) by Gillian Rose
    London, UK: Pilot Press, 2022
    Out of stock

  14. Responses to Untitled (eye with comet) (c.1985) by Paul Thek
    London: Pilot Press and Antenne Publishing, 2023
  15. John Hanning
    Unfortunate Male
    Brooklyn, NY: RAW MEAT, 2019
  16. Dan Rule and Sally Gray
    Gifts from David McDiarmid
    Melbourne, Australia: Perimeter Editions, 2014
Last updated 7/18/2023