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  • Four Works by David Hammons (Second Edition)        BlackMass Publishing        Books / Artists’ Books        $75.00
  • After 1921: Notes from Tulsa’s Black Wall Street and Beyond        Crystal Z Campbell        Books / Artists’ Books        $21.00
  • Jazz Glossary        BlackMass Publishing        Books / Artists’ Books        $15.00
  • Sound Aspects Part 2        Yusuf Hassan        Books / Zines        $7.00
  • Go-Rilla Means War        Crystal Z Campbell        Books / Artists’ Books        $45.00
  • Experiments in Joy: A Workbook        Gabrielle Civil        Books / Artists’ Books        $10.00
  • slow and soft and righteous, improvising at the end of the world (and how we make a new one)        sonia louise davis        Books / Artists’ Books        $12.00
  • Decolonizing Non-Violent Communication        meenadchi        Books / Artists’ Books        $20.00
  • Making Art During Fascism        Beth Pickens        Books / Zines        $15.00
  • the monumental misrememberings        Mimi Tempestt        Books / Zines        $13.00
  • Moth Among Butterfly        Jordyn Jackson        Books / Artists’ Books        $25.00
  • Nobody Sleeps Better Than White People [second edition]        Rindon Johnson        Books / Zines        $5.00
  • Take Time        Endless Editions and Danielle & Kevin McCoy        Books / Zines        $15.00
  • Temples for the Unbelievable        Fiona Lutjenhuis        Books / Artists’ Books        $26.00
  • Funeral Food        Sandra Trujillo        Books / Artists’ Books        $150.00
  • Migration: The Journey Of Objects        J. Deurell        Books / Artists’ Books        $48.00
  • FAMILIAR        Benycanal        Books / Artists’ Books        $17.00
  • La Tierra Mia: A Chicano Park Story        Bob Dominguez        Books / Artists’ Books        $60.00
  • In-Photography        Sarah Charlesworth        Books / Catalogs        $175.00
  • BUTT Magazine        Butt Magazine        Periodicals        $15.00
  • Do not use your precious human body only to just digest and urine        Jonathan Cassidy        Books / Artists’ Books        $55.00
  • The Softest Wind You Carry        Frank Dorrey        Books / Artists’ Books        $30.00
  • BRUNCH CLUB        Colby Anderson and V Go        Books / Zines        $20.00
  • Some Chinatown Portraits        David Zheng        Books / Artists’ Books        $39.00
  • The Volcanoes of The Capitalocene        Alan Smart        Books / Artists’ Books        $10.00
  • Porcelain As Expression        Wing on Wo Team        Books / Zines        $50.00
  • Electronic Landscapes: Music, Space and Resistance in Detroit        Isaac Diggs and Edward Hillel        Books / Monographs        $150.00
  • Non-Magical Towns: Typologies of Freedom in Rural Mexico        Inés Vachez        Books / Zines        $10.00
  • A Field Measure Survey of American Architecture        Jeffrey Ladd        Books / Artists’ Books        $50.00
  • Cold Cube        Michael Heck, editor and Aidan Fitzgerald        Books / Artists’ Books        $50.00
  • Hunters Follow Harpy Shadows        Rin Kim        Books / Artists’ Books        $25.00
  • The Clearing        JJJJJerome Ellis        Books / Artists’ Writings        $25.00
  • Tender Noted [First Edition]        Shala Miller        Books / Artists’ Writings        $28.00
  • Behind Shut Eyes: QTBIPOC Dream Anthology        Coyote Park, Rin Kim and Mac Do        Books / Artists’ Writings        $26.00
  • The Portable Lower East Side: Queer City        Kurt Hollander        Books / Out of Print Periodicals        $200.00
  • Quiéreme Mucho        Cristina Velásquez        Books / Artists’ Books        $16.00
  • West 176 Street        Groana Melendez        Books / Artists’ Books        $16.00
  • Dori        Kaamna Patel        Books / Artists’ Books        $40.00
  • While nothing lasts, [Paperback]        Edward Paul Cushenberry        Books / Artists’ Books        $40.00
  • Domestic Terrorism: War Rugs From America        Johannah Herr and Cara Marsh Sheffler        Books / Artists’ Books        $45.00
  • Rejected: Designs For The European Flag        Jonas von Lenthe        Books / Artists’ Books        $21.00
  • 诗三首 Poem Three Piece        Yuchen Chang        Books / Artists’ Books        $33.00
  • GRRR        Guillermo Deisler        Books / Artists’ Books        $30.00
  • Depreciating Assets        Jessica Vaughn        Books / Artists’ Books        $25.00
  • This Is Not a Gun        Cara Levine        Books / Artists’ Books        $32.00
  • My Black is the Color of the Sun        Christine Miller        Books / Artists’ Books        $30.00
  • My Execution Might Be Televised        Drew Brown        Books / Zines        $10.00
  • wild wild Wild West & Haunting of the Seahorse        Jonathan Lyndon Chase        Books / Artists’ Books        $40.00
  • RISO BOOK : SC _ 1 / 1 _1 / 2 _ 1 / 4 _ 1 / 8        Sigrid Calon        Books / Artists’ Books        $200.00
  • Sobre el Río (Passage)        Mirjam Wirz        Books / Artists’ Books        $45.00
  • Flexing Muscles        Ravikumar Kashi        Books / Artists’ Books        $20.00
  • Festac ´77: 2nd World Black and African Festival of Arts and Culture                Books / Monographs        $49.00
  • An Atlas of Outer Space        Alice Wang        Books / Artists’ Books        $60.00
  • Bad Luck, Hot Rocks : Conscience Letters and Photographs from the Petrified Forest        Ryan Thompson and Phil Orr        Books / Artists’ Books        $32.00
  • Demystification        Ambrose Nzams and Paula Martinez        Books / Zines        $10.00
  • Consciousness         Lex Brown        Books / Artists’ Books        $45.00
  • An Alphabetical Accumulation of Approximate Observations        Kameelah Janan Rasheed        Books / Artists’ Books        $45.00
  • WHITE GAZE        Viêt Lê and Michelle Dizon        Books / Artists’ Books        $45.00
  • How Do You Say Your Last Name?        Vanessa Nguyen        Books / Artists’ Books        $20.00
  • Restored/Access        Keko Jackson        Books / Artists’ Books        $32.00
  1. BlackMass Publishing
    Four Works by David Hammons (Second Edition)
    New York, NY: BlackMass Publishing, 2022
    Out of stock
  2. BlackMass Publishing
    Jazz Glossary
    New York, NY: BlackMass Publishing, 2022
    Out of stock
  3. Yusuf Hassan
    Sound Aspects Part 2
    New York, NY: BlackMass Publishing, 2020
    Out of stock
  4. Crystal Z Campbell
    After 1921: Notes from Tulsa’s Black Wall Street and Beyond
    Rochester, NY: Visual Studies Workshop, 2021
    Out of stock
  5. Crystal Z Campbell
    Go-Rilla Means War
    Rochester, NY: Visual Studies Workshop, 2018
    Out of stock
  6. Gabrielle Civil
    Experiments in Joy: A Workbook
    Los Angeles, CA: CO-Conspirator Press and Women's Center for Creative Work, 2019
    Out of stock
  7. sonia louise davis
    slow and soft and righteous, improvising at the end of the world (and how we make a new one)
    Los Angeles, CA: CO-Conspirator Press and Women's Center for Creative Work, 2021
    Out of stock
  8. meenadchi
    Decolonizing Non-Violent Communication
    Los Angeles, CA: CO-Conspirator Press and Women's Center for Creative Work, 2019
    Out of stock
  9. Beth Pickens
    Making Art During Fascism
    Los Angeles, CA: CO-Conspirator Press, 2020
    Out of stock
  10. Mimi Tempestt
    the monumental misrememberings
    Los Angeles, CA: CO-Conspirator Press, 2020
    Out of stock
  11. Jordyn Jackson
    Moth Among Butterfly
    Seattle, WA: Cold Cube Press, 2019, 2021
    Out of stock
  12. Rindon Johnson
    Nobody Sleeps Better Than White People [second edition]
    Brooklyn, NY: Inpatient Press
    Out of stock
  13. Endless Editions and Danielle & Kevin McCoy
    Take Time
    New York, St. Louis, NY, MO: Endless Editions and WORK/PLAY, 2020
    Out of stock
  14. Fiona Lutjenhuis
    Temples for the Unbelievable
    Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Terry Bleu, 2021
    Out of stock
  15. Sandra Trujillo
    Funeral Food
    Guadalajara, Mexico: Impronta Casa Editora, 2019
  16. J. Deurell
    Migration: The Journey Of Objects
    Gothenburg, Sweden: Roehsska Mueseet, 2022
    Out of stock
  17. Benycanal
    Paris, France: Headbangers Publishing, 2022
    Out of stock
  18. Coyote Park, Rin Kim and Mac Do
    Behind Shut Eyes: QTBIPOC Dream Anthology
    Brooklyn, NY: GenderFail Press, 2021
    Out of stock
  19. Kurt Hollander
    The Portable Lower East Side: Queer City
    New York, NY: K. Hollander, 1991
  20. Cristina Velásquez
    Quiéreme Mucho
    Brooklyn/Mexico City, NY/Mexico: Matarile Ediciones, 2021
    Out of stock
  21. Groana Melendez
    West 176 Street
    Brooklyn/Mexico City, NY/Mexico: Matarile Ediciones, 2021
    Out of stock
  22. Kaamna Patel
    Mumbai, India: Editions JOJO, 2020
  23. Edward Paul Cushenberry
    While nothing lasts, [Paperback]
    Chicago, IL: Candor Arts, 2019
    Out of stock
  24. Johannah Herr and Cara Marsh Sheffler
    Domestic Terrorism: War Rugs From America
    New York, NY: C. Sheffler, 2021
  25. Jonas von Lenthe
    Rejected: Designs For The European Flag
    Wirklichkeit Books
    Out of stock
  26. Yuchen Chang
    诗三首 Poem Three Piece
    New York, NY: Yuchen Chang, 2021
    Out of stock
  27. Guillermo Deisler
    Santiago, Chile: Naranja Publicaciones, 2019
    Out of stock
  28. Jessica Vaughn
    Depreciating Assets
    New York, NY: Printed Matter Inc., 2021
  29. Cara Levine
    This Is Not a Gun
    Saratoga, CA: Sming Sming Books and Candor Arts, 2020
    Out of stock
  30. Christine Miller
    My Black is the Color of the Sun
    Portland, OR: Fuller Rosen Gallery, 2020
    Out of stock
  31. Drew Brown
    My Execution Might Be Televised
    New York, NY: D. Brown, 2020
    Out of stock
  32. Jonathan Lyndon Chase
    wild wild Wild West & Haunting of the Seahorse
    New York, NY: Capricious, 2020
    Out of stock
  33. Sigrid Calon
    RISO BOOK : SC _ 1 / 1 _1 / 2 _ 1 / 4 _ 1 / 8
    Tilburg, Netherlands: Sigrid Calon, 2020
  34. Mirjam Wirz
    Sobre el Río (Passage)
    Zurich, Switzerland: Mirjam Wirz, 2019
  35. Ravikumar Kashi
    Flexing Muscles
    Bangalore, Karnataka, India: Reliable Copy, 2019
    Out of stock

  36. Festac ´77: 2nd World Black and African Festival of Arts and Culture
    Cape Town / London, South Africa / UK: Chimurenga and Afterall, 2019
    Out of stock
  37. Alice Wang
    An Atlas of Outer Space
    Saratoga, CA: Sming Sming Books, 2019
  38. Ryan Thompson and Phil Orr
    Bad Luck, Hot Rocks : Conscience Letters and Photographs from the Petrified Forest
    Los Angeles, CA: The Ice Plant, 2019
    Out of stock
  39. Ambrose Nzams and Paula Martinez
    Washington, DC: Demystification Magazine, 2019
    Out of stock
  40. Lex Brown
    Brooklyn, NY: GenderFail Press, 2019
    Out of stock
  41. Kameelah Janan Rasheed
    An Alphabetical Accumulation of Approximate Observations
    New York, NY: Endless Editions, 2019
    Out of stock
  42. Viêt Lê and Michelle Dizon
    Saratoga, CA: Sming Sming Books, 2019
    Out of stock
  43. Vanessa Nguyen
    How Do You Say Your Last Name?
    Brooklyn, NY: V. Nguyen, 2018
    Out of stock
  44. Keko Jackson
    Saratoga, CA: Sming Sming Books, 2022
  45. Bob Dominguez
    La Tierra Mia: A Chicano Park Story
    Brooklyn, NY: B. Dominguez, 2021
    Out of stock
  46. Sarah Charlesworth
    Buffalo, NY: CEPA Gallery, 1982
    size unknown
  47. Butt Magazine
    BUTT Magazine
    Butt Magazine, 2022
    Out of stock
  48. Jonathan Cassidy
    Do not use your precious human body only to just digest and urine
    Menomonee Falls, WI: J. Cassidy, 2021
  49. Frank Dorrey
    The Softest Wind You Carry
    Ridgewood, NY: Random Man, 2021
    Out of stock
  50. Colby Anderson and V Go
    New York, NY: BRUNCH CLUB, 2022
    Out of stock
  51. David Zheng
    Some Chinatown Portraits
    New York, NY: David Zheng Studio, 2022
    Out of stock
  52. Alan Smart
    The Volcanoes of The Capitalocene
    Mexico City, Mexico: Gato Negro, 2021
  53. Wing on Wo Team
    Porcelain As Expression
    New York, NY: Lucky Risograph, 2021
  54. Isaac Diggs and Edward Hillel
    Electronic Landscapes: Music, Space and Resistance in Detroit
    Long Island City, NY: Kris Graves Projects, 2021
    Out of stock
  55. Inés Vachez
    Non-Magical Towns: Typologies of Freedom in Rural Mexico
    Berlin, Germany: Analog Typologies, 2021
  56. Jeffrey Ladd
    A Field Measure Survey of American Architecture
    London, UK: MACK Books, 2021
    Out of stock
  57. Michael Heck, editor and Aidan Fitzgerald
    Cold Cube
    Seattle, WA: Cold Cube Press, 2021
    Out of stock
  58. Rin Kim
    Hunters Follow Harpy Shadows
    New York, NY: Printed Matter Inc., 2021
  59. JJJJJerome Ellis
    The Clearing
    Brooklyn, NY: Wendy's Subway, 2021
    Out of stock
  60. Shala Miller
    Tender Noted [First Edition]
    Brooklyn, NY: Wendy's Subway, 2021
    Out of stock
Last updated 5/10/2022