Other Colors is a get-together of colors that are not so commonly seen together. Each set of four pages shows the combination of three different colors. -Publisher
William Luz - yellow, bisque, teal on Riso MZ Harro van Aalderen - beige-yellow, orange, huntergreen on Ricoh TC-II Fien Jorissen - apricot, lavender, teal on Riso V8000 Malwina Marchwicka - bisque, bright gold on Riso MF, grey on Riso MZ Kristin Texeira - aqua, copper, mossgreen on Riso MZ Eunice Luk - green, crimson, purple on Riso MZ Nina Cosco - cyan, magenta, caramel on Ricoh TC-II Lucie Lučanská - bright gold on Riso MF, aqua, crimson on Riso MZ Paul Parant - fuchsia on Riso V8000, green, mediumblue on Riso MZ/V8000 Robbie Simon - seafoam on Riso MZ, red, blue on Riso V8000