Plot: to plan out as in a map or a set of coordinates, careful foresight to planning complex scheme, inventing a literary device, a small piece of land as in a cemetery or a planted ground.
Land, its uses stewards, lords, plunderers, and protectors; the eminent domains, the melted surfaces yielding time capsules, the lungs of a region; its borders, territories, and biomes—both micro and macro; the skins of the Earth, ourselves, and the curious, sensual overlaps.
Our focus is solutions, diatribes, politics, the environment from your window garden to ozone emissions, indigenous land, decolonizing space in an artful approach queer & otherwise. Experimental stories, excerpts, drawings, stencils, schemes, chain letters, seeds, kisses, memes, information & resources,
Zine portfolio of 24 artists in handmade fabric envelope. Produced by Allied Productions Inc. / Le Petite Versailles and launched at Printed Matter’s 2019 NY Art Book Fair.
Included Artists: Mary Campbell, Peter Cramer, Mike Diana, Andrea Evans, Hudson, Joseph Keckler, Stephen Lack, Judith Leinen, Scott McCarney, Brad Melamed, Ricardo Horatio Nelson, ParadoxVestedRelics, Lorin Roser & Nina Kuo, Susan Salinger, Antonio Serna, Ethan Shoshan, Mark Street, Sur Rodney Sur, Gail Thacker, Victor F M Torres, Jack Waters, Lili White, Carlo Quispe.