231 11th Ave, NYC
38 St Marks Pl, NYC
Paul Chan
New New Testament
Wes Knoll and BAT
Orgy at the Port Authority
Joseph Nechvatal
New Observations and Serge Gavronsky
New Observations
No. 54 (January/February 1988) Ecriture: The French Mind
Sally Alatalo
X-Art Foundation, John Lindell, Mary Kelly, Silvia Kolbowski, Fiona Templeton, Laurie Carlos, Trinh T. Minh-Ha and Blast
Blast 2 : The Spatial Drive (Deluxe Edition)
Sophie Arnold
NY, Paris, London
The Kiss
David Bailey
David Bailey’s Rock and Roll Heroes
Joe Bradley
Our Gang
Pam Butler
No. 4 : Not Christmas (Spring, Summer, Fall 2016)
No. 5 : Hangdoggy Go Go (Winter 2017)
No. 6: Infected (Fall 2017)
No. 7: The PamTam Issue (Summer 2018)
Pam Butler and Lisa Levy
No. 8: Be A Happy Person (Winter - Spring 2019)
No. 9: Date Night (Fall - Winter 2019)
Phoebe d'Heurle
Her Hand
Mary Frank