231 11th Ave, NYC
38 St Marks Pl, NYC
Jos Houweling
Amsterdam 744
Yvette Jansen
Het Andre Behr Pamflet
Rúna Thorkelsdóttir
No. 11: Sleight of the Tongue
Marc Roig Blesa
No. 6 : Cinema Diary
Ulises Carrión
Mirror Box
Malcom Green
No. 1: The Mirror of Art by Malcolm Green
Nico Lootsma
No. 10: Between Money And Garbage
Ann Noel
No. 36: An Apt Turn of Phrase
No. 8: Imagine
Erica Van Horn
No. 25: The Blue of Devon
Spirits of the Soil
Other Books and So Archive Postcard
Dennis Cooper, Krist Gruijthuijsen and Marvin Taylor
Geometries of Desire
Simon Cutts
No. 15: The Stedelijk Wedge
Anaïs Horn, Anaïs Nin, Jackie Wang, Maren Lübbke-Tidow, editor and Verena Walzl
Je suis malheureuse et heureuse
Experimental Jetset
Experimental Jetset for KV [Button]
Cees. K.
Immigrant Basic Essentials
Erik Kessels
No. 38: No More Teenage Lust