Artists' Books and Posters from Eleanor Antin and Linda Montano

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  • High Performance


    High Performance



  • 100 Boots


    Eleanor Antin



  • Image Bank Postcard Show


    Image Bank


    Postcards / Multiples

  • Art/Life One Year Performance Poster [Rope, unstamped]


    Linda Montano and Tehching Hsieh


    Posters / Out of Print Posters

  • Art/Life One Year Performance Poster [Four Photos, Stamped]


    Linda Montano and Tehching Hsieh


    Posters / Out of Print Posters

  • Art/Life One Year Performance Poster [Linda Montano + Tehching Hsieh, stamped]


    Linda Montano and Tehching Hsieh


    Posters / Out of Print Posters

  • Eleanor Antin: Los Angeles County Museum of Art Catalogue


    Howard N. Fox, Lisa Bloom and Eleanor Antin


    Books / Catalogs

  • Art/Life One Year Performance Poster [Globe, unstamped]


    Linda Montano and Tehching Hsieh


    Posters / Out of Print Posters

  • Art in Everyday Life


    Linda Montano


    Books / Out of Print Books

  • Being Antinova


    Eleanor Antin


    Books / Out of Print Books

  • P-form : A Journal of Interdisciplinary and Performance Art


    P-form and Ken Thompson




Since the 1960s, California-based artists Linda Montano and Eleanor Antin have both explored a set of themes relating to identity and transformation through performance. The artists’ books and posters collected here document a range of projects from the artists in which they give over elements of their lives to an encompassing art practice and forcibly fuse the two together.

Montano’s performances are often read as physical and spiritual feats of endurance, present life-altering adjustments that were often long-term. In one of her most well-known pieces alongside fellow ‘endurance’ artist Tehching Hsieh, the two spent one year linked together by a rope.

Similarly in ART IN EVERYDAY LIFE, a 1981 publication, Montano presents elements of her life as a set of performative artworks. Each action is described first as ‘Art’ (the project itself) and then a second time as ‘Life’ (personal description of the situations and thoughts that informed the project). The publication concludes with one of her most powerful works, “Mitchell’s Death”, which mourns her ex-husband’s unexpected death, describing her reaction when she first heard the news, the days following his death, and her attempt to confront the loss and transform it into something lasting.

Eleanor Antin likewise seeks to break down the usual boundaries of identity by adopting multiple “selves”, or performative personae, of various gender, race, and historical context. These myriad chameleonic performances serve to erode the distinctions of identity commonly accepted in cultural and historical tradition.

Antin’s well-known work 100 Boots, serves as a visual narrative in which 50 pairs of boot ‘journey’ from the west to the east US coast. Across 51 installments, the photo project shows the boots engaging in a series of everyday suburban activities before showing solidarity with the Vietnam antiwar movement. The photographs included in the book were originally reproduced as postcards and circulated to artists friends.

  1. Linda Montano and Tehching Hsieh

    Art/Life One Year Performance Poster [Linda Montano + Tehching Hsieh, stamped]

    New York, NY: 1983
  2. Linda Montano and Tehching Hsieh

    Art/Life One Year Performance Poster [Four Photos, Stamped]

    New York, NY: 1983
  3. Linda Montano

    Art in Everyday Life

    Los Angeles, CA: Astro Artz, 1981
  4. Linda Montano and Tehching Hsieh

    Art/Life One Year Performance Poster [Rope, unstamped]

    New York, NY: 1983
  5. Eleanor Antin

    Being Antinova

    Out of stock
  6. High Performance

    High Performance

    Los Angeles, CA: Astro Artz, 1981
    Out of stock
  7. P-form and Ken Thompson

    P-form : A Journal of Interdisciplinary and Performance Art

    Chicago, IL: P-Form, 1995
    size unknown
    Out of stock
  8. Image Bank

    Image Bank Postcard Show

    Vancouver, Canada: Image Bank, 1977
  9. Eleanor Antin

    100 Boots

    Philadelphia, PA: Running Press, 1999
  10. Linda Montano and Tehching Hsieh

    Art/Life One Year Performance Poster [Globe, unstamped]

    New York, NY: 1983
  11. Howard N. Fox, Lisa Bloom and Eleanor Antin

    Eleanor Antin: Los Angeles County Museum of Art Catalogue

    Los Angeles, CA: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1999
    size unknown
Last updated 4/30/2014