Punched Holes, Sinking Holes, Circles and Other Holes

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  • El Gobierno Te Odia [The Government Hates You] [Second Edition]        Christopher Gregory-Rivera        Books / Artists’ Books        $55.00
  • Street Report 2: Hooks and Holes        Faiz Bin Zohri        Books / Artists’ Books        $22.00
  • El Gobierno Te Odia [The Government Hates You] [First Edition]        Christopher Gregory-Rivera        Books / Artists’ Books        $75.00
  • Book 14: Punch Book #1 (Penetration)        Wally Depew        Books / Artists’ Books        $20.00
  • Holes punched at random by Halifax Offset Limited (Henry Naylor)        James Lee Byars and Rex Lau                $200.00
  • Commercial Sample        Sveinn Fannar Jóhannsson        Books / Artists’ Books        $22.00
  • Holes [Revisited Edition]        Sveinn Fannar Jóhannsson        Books / Artists’ Books        $20.00
  • Shot [with bullet hole]        Wally Depew        Books / Artists’ Books        $30.00
  • Flux Holes        Ben Vautier                $35.00
  • 108 of Roy Stryker’s Holes, 2010        William E. Jones        PM Fundraising Editions / Prints        $225.00
  • Choosing the Dots, Avoiding the Holes        Jennifer Gordon        Books / Signed        $55.00
  • Andy Making Holes        Coracle        Books / Small Books        $17.00
  • Ana and Carl and Some Other Couples        Leigh Ledare and Nicolás Guagnini        Books / Artists’ Books        $500.00
  • Holes, photos        Ben Vautier                $35.00
  • Skeptischer Raum        Christoph Eisenring        Books / Artists’ Books        $25.00
  • Holes        Hiroshi Iguchi        Books / Zines        $8.00
  • UNTITLED. (1-5)        Nazareth Hassan        Books / Artists’ Books        $20.00
  • Leporello N° 02 by Micah Lexier        Micah Lexier        Books / Artists’ Books        $36.00
  • Art Hole        SW Kim (Bird Pit)        Books / Artists’ Books        $18.00
  • Black Pages        Ursula Maria Probst         / Zines        $3.00
  • Common Ground        Fabrice Gygi        Books        $23.00
  • Untitled (Newspaper)        Sveinn Fannar Jóhannsson        Books / Artists’ Books        $10.00
  • Hole        Javier Jaimes        Books / Artists’ Books        $25.00
  • A Hole to See Through, Yoko Ono ‘71 Postcard        Yoko Ono        Ephemera / Out of Print Ephemera        $50.00
Punched holes, sinking holes, circles and other holes.
  1. Christopher Gregory-Rivera
    El Gobierno Te Odia [The Government Hates You] [Second Edition]
    Los Sumergidos, 2024
  2. Faiz Bin Zohri
    Street Report 2: Hooks and Holes
    Singapore: Temporary Press, 2022
  3. Christopher Gregory-Rivera
    El Gobierno Te Odia [The Government Hates You] [First Edition]
    New York, NY: Penumbra Foundation
    Out of stock
  4. Sveinn Fannar Jóhannsson
    Commercial Sample
    Oslo, Norway: Multinational Enterprises, 2024
  5. James Lee Byars and Rex Lau
    Holes punched at random by Halifax Offset Limited (Henry Naylor)
    Halifax, Canada: Nova Scotia College of Art, 1969
    Out of stock
  6. Sveinn Fannar Jóhannsson
    Holes [Revisited Edition]
    Oslo, Norway: Multinational Enterprises and Teknisk Industri AS, 2018
  7. Wally Depew
    Shot [with bullet hole]
    Patagonia, AZ: W. Depew / Bright Moments
  8. William E. Jones
    108 of Roy Stryker’s Holes, 2010
    New York, NY: Printed Matter Inc., 2010
  9. Jennifer Gordon
    Choosing the Dots, Avoiding the Holes
    Saskatoon, Canada: J. Gordon, 1997
  10. Coracle
    Andy Making Holes
    Docking, England: Coracle Press, 1994
    Out of stock
  11. Leigh Ledare and Nicolás Guagnini
    Ana and Carl and Some Other Couples
    New York, NY: PPP Editions Inc., 2014
  12. Ben Vautier
    Holes, photos

    Out of stock
  13. Christoph Eisenring
    Skeptischer Raum
    Zurich, Switzerland: Everyedition, 2017
    Out of stock
  14. Hiroshi Iguchi
    Geneva, Switzerland: Innen, 2018
    Out of stock
  15. Nazareth Hassan
    UNTITLED. (1-5)
    New York, NY: 3 Hole Press, 2022
  16. SW Kim (Bird Pit)
    Art Hole
    Seoul, South Korea: Pitpress, 2019
  17. Micah Lexier
    Leporello N° 02 by Micah Lexier
    Gothenburg, Sweden: LL'Editions, 2021
  18. Ben Vautier
    Flux Holes
    New York, NY: ReFlux, 1981
    Out of stock
  19. Wally Depew
    Book 14: Punch Book #1 (Penetration)
    Sacramento, CA: W. Depew / Poetry Newsletter, 1970
  20. Yoko Ono
    A Hole to See Through, Yoko Ono ‘71 Postcard
    Heidelberg , Germany: Edition Staeck, 1971
    Out of stock
  21. Ursula Maria Probst
    Black Pages
    Vienna, Austria: Black Pages, 2010
    Out of stock
  22. Fabrice Gygi
    Common Ground
    Bern, Switzerland: Swiss Federal Office of Culture, 2002
    size unknown
    Out of stock
  23. Sveinn Fannar Jóhannsson
    Untitled (Newspaper)
    Oslo, Norway: Multinational Enterprises, 2016
    Out of stock
  24. Javier Jaimes
    Mexico City, Mexico: Ediciones Hungría , 2021
Last updated 8/12/2024