Collective Action / Imagining Utopia
The Fall
Michelle Stuart
$50.00 -
Andrianna Campbell and Joanna Fiduccia
$25.00 -
Experiments in Joy: A Workbook
Gabrielle Civil
Books / Artists’ Books
$10.00 -
re: The Furies Compilation
Books / Artists’ Writings
$35.00 -
The Known World
Anne Hall and Sophie Mörner
$45.00 -
A Piece of Land
Sisters of Jam
Books / Artists’ Books
$35.00 -
Documents from the Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp
Interference Archive
Books / Catalogs
$5.00 -
A Utopia for Some: Morningstar and Wheeler’s Ranches Reconsidered
Cathy Akers
Books / Zines
$20.00 -
The Positions and Situations Project: Back-to-the-land Letters, Volume 3: 1975-1976
Alex Arzt
Books / Artists’ Books
$75.00 -
The Combahee River Collective Statement
Combahee River Collective
Books / Artists’ Writings
$15.00 -
Nicole Killian and Sarah Faith Gottesdiener, editors
Periodicals / Artists’ Books
On joining forces in opposition to patriarchy, capitalism, racism, and heteronormativity. Methods include opting out, fighting against, communal isolation, manifesting rage, and experiments in joy.
Collective Action / Imagining Utopia
Interference Archive
Documents from the Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp
New York, NY: Interference Archive, 2015
Out of stock -
Gabrielle Civil
Experiments in Joy: A Workbook
Los Angeles, CA: CO-Conspirator Press and Women's Center for Creative Work, 2019
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Cathy Akers
A Utopia for Some: Morningstar and Wheeler’s Ranches Reconsidered
Los Angeles, CA: C. Akers, 2018
$20.00 -
Alex Arzt
The Positions and Situations Project: Back-to-the-land Letters, Volume 3: 1975-1976
Sausalito, CA: A Magic Mountain, 2019
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Combahee River Collective
The Combahee River Collective Statement
Mexico City, Mexico: Gato Negro, 2017
Out of stock -
Nicole Killian and Sarah Faith Gottesdiener, editors
Richmond, VA: N. Killian and S. Gottesdiener, 2015