LA Art Book Fair: Printed Matter Booth

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  • When You Make No Art [Second Edition]        Wen-You Cai        Books / Artists’ Writings        $30.00
  • S.T.H. : Straight to Hell        Billy Miller        Periodicals / Zines        $8.00
  • West Coast Soft Boys        Matt Goldberg and Ian Mackay        Books / Zines        $16.00
  • Boundless        David Stairs        Books / Small Books        $15.00
  • How to Art Book Fair        Paul Shortt        Books / Zines        $10.00
  • Critical Theory Cocktails : Powerful Drinks That Will Make You Think Differently, Vol. 5        Aggie Toppins        Books / Artists’ Books        $10.00
  • Gaze stretching as far as there is to go and then it disappears        Darren Goins        Books / Artists’ Books        $60.00
  • Seasonal Shift: Comics 2013-2019        Lala Albert        Books / Artists’ Books        $29.00
  • Horn If You’re Honky        Philip L Matarese        Books / Artists’ Books        $25.00
  • Weaving Language II: Language is Image, Paper, Code, & Cloth        Francesca Capone        Books / Artists’ Writings        $30.00
  • How to Write an Erotic Novel        Emily Clayton        Books / Artists’ Books        $5.00
  • El Color de la Selva        Aidan Koch        Books / Artists’ Books        $50.00
  • Bedlam Days        Leandro Katz        Books / Artists’ Books        $55.00
  • A Queer Anthology of Rage        Richard Porter        Books / Artists’ Books        $20.00
  • 477 Paintings : 1982 - 2005 or an Analogical Anthology        Jeffrey Isaac        Books / Monographs        $20.00
  • The New Farmer’s Almanac, Vol. 4                Books / Monographs        $24.00
  • First Fronteras                Books / Artists’ Books        $30.00
  • Bird Pit        SW Kim (Bird Pit)        Books / Artists’ Books        $22.00
  • Mushrooms & Friends 2        Phyllis Ma        Books / Zines        $25.00
  • A Book of Signs        The Women’s March 2017 (Anonymous) and Annabel Lee & Lisanne Schloss (editors)        Books / Artists’ Books        $5.00
  • 咸濕 (Salty Wet)        Tiffany Sia        Books / Zines        $12.00
  • Architecture of the Indimensionable        Familiars Strangers        Books / Artists’ Books        $25.00
  • Abraços        André Ruivo        Books / Artists’ Books        $12.00
  • Mark Leckey: Fiorucci Made Me Hardcore        Mitch Speed        Books        $19.00
  • Bicycle Day        Brian Blomerth        Books / Artists’ Books        $30.00
  • Videoland: A Visual Catalog of American Video Store Logos, 1980-1995        Andy Sturdevant        Books / Zines        $10.00
  • Retratos        André Ruivo        Books / Artists’ Books        $15.00
  • How Do You Say Your Last Name?        Vanessa Nguyen        Books / Artists’ Books        $20.00
  • Square of Will in Square of Love        Alina Popa        Books / Artists’ Writings        $20.00
  • Photography Is: A Manifesto        Mishka Henner        Books / Artists’ Books        $15.00
  • Sobre el Río (Passage)        Mirjam Wirz        Books / Artists’ Books        $45.00
  • Rooster, Tiger, Sheep by Snake        Wen-You Cai        Books / Artists’ Books        $30.00
  • I Expected Something Nice        Alissa Bennett        Books / Zines        $20.00
  • Bad Politics        Susan Unterberg        Books / Artists’ Books        $15.00
  • Circus of Books: 1963-2019        Billy Miller        Books / Artists’ Books        $12.00
  • CORNER Football + Society Vol.1                Books        $25.00
  • David Hammons: Bliz-aard Ball Sale        Elena Filipovic        Books        $19.00
  • Sun Path House and Other Cosmic Architectures        Christian Wassmann        Books / Artists’ Books        $40.00
  • Collected Religious Pamphlets: 2008-2018        Nate Phillips        Books / Artists’ Books        $22.00
  • Alpha Men’s Amazon Wishlist        boihugo        Books / Artists’ Books        $20.00
  • It Don’t Mean a Thing: Photographs by Saul Leiter with a Story by Paul Auster        Paul Auster and Saul Leiter        Books / Monographs        $48.00
  • SOCIALITY: The Coloring Book of Technology for Social Manipulation        Paolo Cirio        Books / Artists’ Books        $15.00
  • Mongrelism        Jono Rotman        Books / Artists’ Books        $65.00
  • Masculinity        Paul Rho        Books / Artists’ Books        $10.00
  • efflorescence        Virgil Abloh        Books / Zines        $15.00
  • Future Fantasy        Vinca Petersen        Books / Artists’ Books        $45.00
  • JPL Notepads        Tom Sachs        Books / Artists’ Books        $20.00
  • Another Excess        Spyros Rennt        Books / Artists’ Books        $35.00
  • Wolfe-Arama : Jokes from Ira        Ira Wolfe        Books / Artists’ Books        $15.00
  • HERE TO THERE        Lawrence Weiner        Books / Artists’ Books        $15.00
  • Lone Dove        Bec Parsons        Books / Artists’ Books        $48.00
  • Kathy Acker (1971-1975)        Justin Gajoux, editor        Books / Artists’ Books        $78.00
  • n-site [1]        Maxim Cormier and Fan Xuechen        Books / Artists’ Books        $28.00
  • Trickster’s Journey        Jia Sung        Books / Artists’ Books        $100.00

In a different world, today (3/19) was the day that we planned to ship all of our booth offerings to Los Angeles for our annual LA Art Book Fair. We take several months prior to each fair to select and reach out to artists and publishers to request their special projects to represent at our table with the goal to distribute them to new audiences. Since then, plans have obviously changed but the amazing titles by independent artists and publishers from around the world luckily haven’t. Everything that we intended to bring to LA is now available in our web shop. We wish we could share these with you in person! Here’s the next best thing❤️

  1. Richard Porter
    A Queer Anthology of Rage
    London, UK: Pilot Press, 2018
    Out of stock
  2. Jeffrey Isaac
    477 Paintings : 1982 - 2005 or an Analogical Anthology
    Spoleto, Italy: J. Isaac, 2005
    size unknown

  3. The New Farmer’s Almanac, Vol. 4
    Pembroke, ME, United States: Greenhorns, 2019
    Out of stock

  4. First Fronteras
    Maryland, USA: Homie House Press, 2019
    Out of stock
  5. SW Kim (Bird Pit)
    Bird Pit
    Seoul, South Korea: pimple, 2017
  6. Alissa Bennett
    I Expected Something Nice
    Out of stock
  7. Phyllis Ma
    Mushrooms & Friends 2
    New York, NY: P. Ma, 2020
    Out of stock
  8. Matt Goldberg and Ian Mackay
    West Coast Soft Boys
    San Francisco, CA: Hi-Bred Studio, 2019
    Out of stock
  9. Paul Shortt
    How to Art Book Fair
    Gainesville, Florida: Paul Shortt, 2020
    Out of stock
  10. Andy Sturdevant
    Videoland: A Visual Catalog of American Video Store Logos, 1980-1995
    Minneapolis, MN: Birchwood Palace Industries, 2018
    Out of stock
  11. Aggie Toppins
    Critical Theory Cocktails : Powerful Drinks That Will Make You Think Differently, Vol. 5
    Chattanooga, TN: The Unofficial Press, 2019
    Out of stock
  12. Darren Goins
    Gaze stretching as far as there is to go and then it disappears
    Los Angeles, CA: D. Goins, 2019
    Out of stock
  13. Lala Albert
    Seasonal Shift: Comics 2013-2019
    London, UK: Breakdown Press, 2019
    Out of stock
  14. Philip L Matarese
    Horn If You’re Honky
    Los Angeles, CA: Rahway Press, 2020
  15. Francesca Capone
    Weaving Language II: Language is Image, Paper, Code, & Cloth
    York, UK: Information as material, 2018
    Out of stock
  16. Vanessa Nguyen
    How Do You Say Your Last Name?
    Brooklyn, NY: V. Nguyen, 2018
    Out of stock
  17. David Stairs
    San Francisco, CA: D. Stairs, 1983 & 1990
    size unknown
  18. Wen-You Cai
    When You Make No Art [Second Edition]
    New York, NY: W. Cai, 2019
  19. Wen-You Cai
    Rooster, Tiger, Sheep by Snake
    Macau, China: Wen-You Cai, 2019
  20. Emily Clayton
    How to Write an Erotic Novel
    London, UK: A6 Books, 2018
    Out of stock
  21. Aidan Koch
    El Color de la Selva
    Lisbon, Portugal: Tinta nos Nervos, 2019
    Out of stock
  22. Leandro Katz
    Bedlam Days
    Los Angeles, CA: Viper's Tongue Books, 2019
  23. Susan Unterberg
    Bad Politics
    New York, NY: S. Unterberg, 2018
  24. Billy Miller
    Circus of Books: 1963-2019
    New York, NY: Billy Miller and Straight to Hell editions, 2019 / 2024
  25. The Women's March 2017 (Anonymous) and Annabel Lee & Lisanne Schloss (editors)
    A Book of Signs
    New York, NY: Vehicle Editions and ilylali, 2018
    Out of stock
  26. Billy Miller
    S.T.H. : Straight to Hell
    New York, NY: B. Miller, 2015
    Out of stock

  27. CORNER Football + Society Vol.1
    Bucharest, Romania: PUNCH, 2019
    Out of stock
  28. Tiffany Sia
    咸濕 (Salty Wet)
    New York City, NY: Inpatient Press, 2019
    Out of stock
  29. Familiars Strangers
    Architecture of the Indimensionable
    Mexico City, Mexico: Familiars Strangers, 2019
    Out of stock
  30. Alina Popa
    Square of Will in Square of Love
    Bucharest, Romania: PUNCH, 2019
    Out of stock
  31. André Ruivo
    Lisbon, Portugal: Tinta nos Nervos, 2019
    Out of stock
  32. André Ruivo
    Lisbon, Portugal: The Inspector Cheese Adventures and STET, 2019
    Out of stock
  33. Elena Filipovic
    David Hammons: Bliz-aard Ball Sale
    London, UK: Afterall, 2017
  34. Mishka Henner
    Photography Is: A Manifesto
    Manchester, UK: M. Henner, 2019
    Out of stock
  35. Mitch Speed
    Mark Leckey: Fiorucci Made Me Hardcore
    London, UK: Afterall, 2020
  36. Christian Wassmann
    Sun Path House and Other Cosmic Architectures
    London, UK: Koenig Books, 2017
    Out of stock
  37. Nate Phillips
    Collected Religious Pamphlets: 2008-2018
    Chicago, IL: N. Phillips, 2018
    Out of stock
  38. boihugo
    Alpha Men’s Amazon Wishlist
    Shanghai, China: boihugo, 2018
    Out of stock
  39. Brian Blomerth
    Bicycle Day
    Brooklyn, NY: Anthology Editions, 2019
    Out of stock
  40. Paul Auster and Saul Leiter
    It Don’t Mean a Thing: Photographs by Saul Leiter with a Story by Paul Auster
    Paris, New York and Tokyo: The Gould Collection, 2019
    Out of stock
  41. Paolo Cirio
    SOCIALITY: The Coloring Book of Technology for Social Manipulation
    Turin, Italy: P. Cirio, 2018
    Out of stock
  42. Jono Rotman
    London, UK: Here Press, 2018
    Out of stock
  43. Paul Rho
    New York, NY: P. Rho, 2018
    Out of stock
  44. Spyros Rennt
    Another Excess
    Berlin, Germany: S. Rennt, 2018
    Out of stock
  45. Mirjam Wirz
    Sobre el Río (Passage)
    Zurich, Switzerland: Mirjam Wirz, 2019
  46. Virgil Abloh
    Zürich, Switzerland: Innen, 2019
    Out of stock
  47. Ira Wolfe
    Wolfe-Arama : Jokes from Ira
    Brooklyn, NY: Ratstar Press, 2014
    Out of stock
  48. Vinca Petersen
    Future Fantasy
    London, UK: Ditto Press, 2017
    Out of stock
  49. Lawrence Weiner
    L. Weiner, 2016
    Out of stock
  50. Bec Parsons
    Lone Dove
    Melbourne, Australia : Perimeter Editions, 2019
  51. Tom Sachs
    JPL Notepads
    New York, NY: Allied Cultural Prosthetics
    Out of stock
  52. Justin Gajoux, editor
    Kathy Acker (1971-1975)
    Paris, France: Éditions Ismael, 2019
    Out of stock
  53. Maxim Cormier and Fan Xuechen
    n-site [1]
    Beijing, China: da大 in print, 2020
    Out of stock
  54. Jia Sung
    Trickster’s Journey
    New York, NY: Endless Editions, 2018
    Out of stock
Last updated 3/19/2020