231 11th Ave, NYC
38 St Marks Pl, NYC
Luca Antonucci
Not Pollock / Not Krasner
Vertical Hold
Luca Antonucci and Daniel Small
Present Perfect
David Bayus
Stroke, Vol. 3
Matt Borruso
Print Shop
Anthony Desimone, Hilary DuPont, Boyd Elder, Nicolas G Miller and Dustin PEvey/Yoseff Ben-Yehuda
The Riso Book : Marfa
Jessica Flemming
1994 Cabriolet
Out of Place, In Place: A Survey 2006-2018
Henry Gunderson and Mario Ayala
Easy To Be Hard
Sarah Hotchkiss
High Contrast
Carey Lin and Sarah Hotchkiss
Stairwell’s Takeaway Reader
Tron Martinez
Daniel Small
Expert Witness
Barbara Stauffacher Solomon
The Invisible