231 11th Ave, NYC
38 St Marks Pl, NYC
Micah Lexier
8-pc. Puzzle
Book Bag Drawings
Leporello N° 02 by Micah Lexier
Lives & Works (Fax Test #1 and #2)
Lives & Works (First Fax Test)
Lives & Works (Four Attempts)
Lives & Works (To Be Sorted Down Low)
Micah Lexier and Andy Fabo
Andy Fabo & Micah Lexier
Micah Lexier, Polly Apfelbaum, Lenka Clayton, Isabelle Cornaro, Félix Gastout, Andres Sandoval and Sean Weisgerber
Six Zines Curated by Micah Lexier
Micah Lexier and Colm Tóibín
1334 Words for 1334 Students