“With four issues, Adiccion GM primarily documented the illegal graffiti scene in Mexico City but regularly featured other cities, mainly because we had a certain connection to it, we knew people in those cities. Mexicali, Tijuana, San Diego, Los Angeles, and New York were amongst those places. Back in the early 2000’s you’d get a better deal the more you printed, and even though we never thought of making a bunch of issues a year it ended up having a direct impact on it’s periodicity. We only printed four issues, guess you could say one per year. First 2 issues were completely made out of scanned photographs, all the film was sponsored by a main chain store. 3rd issue was 95% scanned photographs and the rest digital. For the 4th issue I wanna say it was more like 60% digital 40% scans.
For each issue we threw some sort of a party that always ended up with a bunch of graffiti writers wasted all over my place, we tried to come up flyers announcing the party at a local club I used to work at in the late 90’s.
What you’ll get besides the magazine should you choose to buy one of the very last issues out there, some of the original flyers that we made to promote the party, and the actual printed picture we used to scan for the magazine. Some of these prints are alternate cover and back cover pictures. So, enjoy!” - Publisher
Issue set comes with issues 3 and 4, 3 paper flyers and one photograph (photo images vary).