“The proliferation of the use of plastic in the toy industry began around 1950, until then almost all toys were made of wood or metal, currently 90% of the toys that are produced are made of plastic. Like many of our wastes, toys after having a short lifespan find their way to the oceans, where they navigate through the marine currents to be washed-up on different beaches and coasts of the world. If we consider that it is an indestructible and non-biodegradable material, every plastic toy that has been created continues to exist in one way or another, it does not disappear, but continue to decompose into smaller and smaller fragments.
This project seeks to give new life to more than 450 toys that were found and recovered in beaches located in the Mexican Caribbean and Pacific Ocean between 2013 and 2018, as part of projects related to beach clean-up activities that had educational, scientific and social components.” - Inframundo