VACUUM - Book launch with CCCP

April 29, 2018
4-6 PM

The CCCP 2018 GSAPP (Columbia University) launches their editorial project VACUUM, a book including more than twenty international collaborations.

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For spatial and discursive practices alike, the vacuum implicates a inescapable set of problematics pertaining to the dichotomies of excess/ scarcity, production/destruction, collection/displacement, accumulation/ dissemination. What role does art and architecture play in the production of vacuums? Philosophically, aesthetically and ethically, how do we design, curate, and create within a vacuum?

VACUUM (SPECS) Published and edited by Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation Masters of Science in Critical, Curatorial, and Conceptual Practices (CCCP) class of 2018.

Contributions by Camila Reyes Alé, Xavier Antin, Matt Borruso, Christoph Brünggel, CCCP 2018, Cooking Sections, Aastha D., Marc D’Estout, Andrew Nolan Davis, Alex Diamond, Ieva Saudargaitė Douaihi, Vered Lianne Engelhard, Anja Weiser Flower, James Graham, Joachim Hackl, Helene Hellmich, Lara Khaldi, Amelia Konow, Stella Rahola Matutes, Meitha Al Mazrooei, Cristina Goberna Pesudo, Brion Nuda Rosch, Gabriel Ruiz-Larrea, and Paul Salveson.

Graphic design by Nicholas Weltyk.

Printed in Poland in a first edition of 400 copies.
