At the Lightning Field - A reading by Laura Raicovich

June 15, 2017

Join us for a launch of At the Lightning Field by Laura Raicovich, newly published by Coffee House Press. Raicovich will read from her work and sign copies of the book. Join the event on Facebook here

At the Lightning Field is an exploration of coincidences of history, light, space, duration, mathematics, memory and Walter De Maria’s singular The Lightning Field – a large scale artwork comprised of four hundred stainless steel poles, positioned two hundred and twenty feet apart, in the desert of central New Mexico.

Laura punctuates her recollections of The Lightning Field with snippets of chaos theory, Nabokov, and her own childhood, using the grid as a launchpad for exploring intersections of art and science. Connecting the dots between art, literature, memory, and the senses, Laura touches on larger questions of how we interact with the world.

Laura works as president and executive director of the Queens Museum, and she formerly worked at Dia Art Foundation, which enabled her to visit The Lightning Field five times over five years. Over the course of these visits, the work becomes a site for confounding and revealing perceptions of time, space, duration, and light; how changeable they are, while staying the same.

Laura Raicovich works as president and executive director of the Queens Museum. She is the author of A Diary of Mysterious Difficulties (Publication Studio), a book based on Viagra and Cialis spam, and is an editor of Assuming Boycott: Resistance, Agency, and Cultural Production (OR Books).
