NEWSPAPER - Newsprint release and talk

June 16, 2016
6:00-8:00 PM

Printed Matter hosts a launch for NEWSPAPER, a B&W ‘no-word’ newsprint (23x34") reviving Steve Lawrence’s 1969 publication of the same name. Editor Marcelo Yáñez will give a brief talk on his research into the history of Lawrence’s publication and his work to create a contemporary re-iteration in dialog with that lineage. Original copies of the publication will be on view, as well as a presentation of works from contributing artists, including Allen Frame, Benjamin Fredrickson, Elliott Brown, Bryson Rand, Elle Pérez, Jackson Stack, John Edmonds, Mark Fitton and Robert Flynt.

The first issue of NEWSPAPER collects the work of 21 living queer artists and anonymous photographers. The work is a cross-generational interaction between older and younger artists focusing on a particular queer sensibility. Over its 48 pages of large-scale black and white images, there are students, established artists, found vernacular, and amateurs. The publication is intended to function as an alternative exhibition space in print with shows promoting a certain reformation of queer imagery.

In researching the original, NEWSPAPER has been inspired to make a call for the return of the transgression of our earlier queer forefathers — an intellectual awareness, openness and love deeply informed by countercultural thinking. As particular gay images of beauty, body, and identity have emerged in mainstream visual culture and media, damage has been done. Over time they have established themselves in most gay and lesbian media. This will be a space for artists that loudly or quietly promote an investigation or redefinition of these images.

Newspaper was started in 1969 by Steve Lawrence with Peter hujar, and it ran for nine issues till 1971. It was a small press publication that spotlighted work by figures of the Downtown NY scene. A pivotal publication for the time, Newspaper was a product of the conceptual art movement and the emphasis on the publication as an art object. In 1970 it was part of the Information show at MoMA – widely acknowledged as the first retrospective on conceptual art. Over the years and after the AIDS crisis, Newspaper was lost and Steve Lawrence’s work faded into obscurity.

NEWSPAPER is available for purchase through the Printed Matter site here.

Issue Two will be released in December 2016, and will focus on Latin American work with a queer sensibility.

Marcelo Yáñez (b. San Juan, PR 1996) / Publisher, Editor, Designer. Marcelo is a student of Art History and Medieval Studies at New York University.
