Jacob Kassay: Standards, Surnames - Launch and signing

November 3, 2015
5:00 - 7:00

Jacob Kassay will sign copies of his new title, Standards, Surnames, just released by Mousse Publishing.

Published on occasion of Kassay’s exhibition at R.M. Schindler’s Fitzpatrick-Leland House in Los Angeles, this artist’s book has been developed as an index—with relative digitally drawn blueprints, structural diagrams and basic dimensional specifications—for the entire series of wooden stretchers that are part of “Remnants,” previously exhibited at The Kitchen and 303 Gallery in New York (2013).

“Recuperating leftover pieces of canvas that remain from those he cuts and stretches, Jacob Kassay found himself […] with a collection of scraps that still had value. More specifically, these scraps were of value to Kassay because they indexed his system of production. Once again, he seized upon a system that fetishizes his hand but discounts any aesthetic decision. These canvas forms, which Kassay calls ‘remnants,’ were made negatively through the creation of silver paintings and other works.” – Peter Eeley

Available here

Co-hosted with 303 Gallery.
