Library of the Printed Web - Launch and Discussion

March 1, 2014
5:00 - 7:00

We’re pleased to launch Printed Web #1, a publication devoted to web-to-print art and discourse. The 64 page newsprint features new work by artists who use screen capture, image grab and site scrape to collect and transform digital information – visual and otherwise – into analog experience. On occasion of the launch, issue contributors Penelope Umbrico, Clement Valla, Benjamin Shaykin, & a m p ; and Chris Alexander will join Library of the Printed Web Publisher Paul Soulellis in a discussion about work they made in the issue, and more generally about the idea of an artist’s web-to-print practice, and circulationism. Discussion will begin at 6 PM.

The Winter 2014 issue of Printed Web includes contributors Joachim Schmid, Penelope Umbrico, Mishka Henner, Clement Valla, David Horvitz, Chris Alexander, Christian Bök, Benjamin Shaykin, & and Paul Soulellis. Texts by Hito Steyerl and Kenneth Goldsmith. 

Printed Web #1 measures 30 x 36 cm, and retails for $12.00. It is available through the Printed Matter website here.

Founded in 2013 by artist Paul Soulellis, Library of the Printed Web is a collection of self-published artists’ books, photo books, texts and other print works gathered around the casual concept of “search, compile and publish.” The collection exists as a physical archive housed in a special wooden display case on wheels in Long Island City, NY.
