Indecent Exposure

Anthology Release & Reception
July 6, 2023

Join us for the release of the Indecent Exposure anthology. In addition to book signings, we’ll have an ephemera display as well as other limited items for sale. More details to come.

Born at the end of the analog era, a time filled with cassettes, disposable cameras and hardcore shows at VFW halls, Indecent Exposure or IE was one of the earliest black and white photocopied graffiti zines to be made. Everyone involved with IE became a part of its legion of lawlessness, hilarity, and counter measures to fitting into society. We were a band of skeptics that did our own background checks, made our own bus passes, and evaded all the normalcy that the rest of society shoved down our throats. Before the internet took over and gave almost every human their own stage to dance on, before all the chitter chatter in the comment sections, and before the incessant phone checking, there was us. Camped out at grimy coffeeshops, drying our clothes out, smoking Old Golds, drawing and writing and reading and waiting for the night to fall. Before IG there was IE. And with IE we validated each other through and through.

Issues 1 and 2 of Indecent Exposure were originally created in Seattle WA. while Issues 3 to 8 were made in different cities around the United States. The entire IE collection consists of 8 issues spanning a four year period between 1996 and 2000. The zine featured only illegal graffiti and was assembled from hard copy photos in a cut and paste style.

With 198 pages stacked full of illegal street graffiti, letters, drawings and stories, the Indecent Exposure anthology speaks for itself, and includes an enlarged version of a poster included in an original IE issue.

Featuring: Puzle kyt Revok msk MQ Log Mr.Left Saber msk Oze 108 Bigfoot Adek btm Rime Setup Tie Rain kyt Jaber kyt Kept Bles Espo VE Orfn Geso Veks kyt Amaze Twist and hundreds more ….
