— readings & lecturas en tránsito —
June 2, 2023

Join us at Printed Matter Chelsea for the launch of diSONARE 09 (poética + locación + espacio), with readings and performances by issue contributors Renata Del Riego, Addison Bale, Helena Grande, and Daniela Stubbs-Leví.

The latest issue of diSONARE’s annual bilingual journal seeks political-poetic interpretations related to concepts of place, space, location, geography and transfer. How do locations both actual and abstract propel us forward, poetically and politically? Could our bodily and sensorial experience be a place in and of itself, as it wanders through time and space? Is there a location that exists only in the imaginary? Who are we speaking to through the archive? What is the tension between locality, meaning and interpretation? The launch will include an activation of MOCHILA—a traveling library and backpack conceived by diSONARE & ANTEPROJECTS. As a portable library housing a selection of publications, zines, books and other ephemera produced in Latin America, MOCHILA functions as resource and catalyst, promoting collaborative work between editors, artists and writers. MOCHILA evokes the intimate interchange and peripatetic nature of editorial work, recognizing the importance of the backpack as a symbol of cultural migration. It has been traveling since 2017 lodging in libraries, art spaces, schools, universities, museums and galleries. MOCHILA currently resides in New York City.

diSONARE is an experimental editorial platform from Mexico City focusing on hybrid art processes in the intersection between poetry and art, as well as translations, fiction and criticism. An independent project run by Lucía Hinojosa Gaxiola and Diego Gerard Morrison, they publish an annual bilingual journal, organize readings and performances in Mexico and abroad, and develop various projects related to sound, performance, independent publishing, radio and activism. diSONARE is born out of the concept of dissonance, and is interested in building cross-cultural collaborations and promoting alternative ways of thinking about publishing as an experimental catalyst.

Addison Bale is an artist from New York City.

Renata Del Riego is a visual artist interested in the relation between matter and text; thread and word; stone and memory. Her work focuses on what falls, hangs, drips and dissolves with the passage of time. The weight of time. The passage of weight. She was born in Mexico City, raised in Tijuana, and lives in New York.

helena grande (she/her) is a writer, curator and teaching artist. She is the author of Speech Choke, and is currently working on a novella about loss and being a translator. Her writing has appeared in Dostoyevsky Wannabe, Fictional Journal, nY, diSONARE and Editions Clinamen. She has received support from the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, The New School and WriteOn NYC Fellowship. Originally from Spain, helena has lived in Amsterdam for many years, and she lives in Queens, New York City at the moment.

Daniela Stubbs-Leví is a Peruvian poet, musician, and multidisciplinary artist. Her practice explores the relativism of memory as the ever-changing frame with which we measure reality. Through the oscillations between disciplines, she’s interested in capturing the manifestations between absent-present, remembered-imagined, and space-place. She is the co-founder of Current Press an experimental collaborative platform for books and zines made by women. Her work has been shown in New York, Paris, Buenos Aires, Lima, Santiago, Berlin, and London.
