We Passengers is a journey, like all life. Each human is a passenger on spaceship Earth. Each day a pilgrimage of the soul through the flesh. Every individual perspective based upon the lottery of our birth. No choice in this. Yet, what birthright does one have to create suffering for fellow passengers? All the great teachers of every tradition have shown us a path away from suffering, towards love & unity. But instead, we have abandoned nature, normalized war, and manufactured consent: in the name of God, power & money.
Over six months traveling through India, from the Himalayan mountains to the flatlands of West Bengal, these images were photographed. A journey into the total present, where you rejoice in life and remember death. An homage to impermanence. An allegiance with friction. A request to transcend ego, borders and creed. The images as a whole are a commentary on the human condition in all its diversity, an observation that hopefully reveals our oneness! - Paradigm Publishing